19,345 days after I was born in Neath General Hospital, here I am still going on.
Birthdays seem a lot more poignant when you get into the second half of life. I'll guess even more so in your 60's and 70's.
I've developed much more intentionality around the things I'll get involved in and the things I won't. I used to say 'yes' to everything, and about 1/3 of the things I've done, never amounted to much.
When I've been praying and because covid helped me miss the big 50th celebrations, I've felt God whisper, 'Keep doing what you are doing but make better decisions.'
We could all hear that I guess. It was particularly interesting to me.
If you'd like to send a birthday gift, I'm raising money for my new devotional 'Faith Lift'
Click Here if you would like to contribute.
